finnish conductors (music) câu
finnish music
Nightwish is a Finnish music group that is well known internationally.Nightwish là một nhóm nhạc tiếng Phần Lan nổi tiếng trên toàn thế...

The very best is one we call "the finnish weapon,"Thứ tốt nhất chúng tôi gọi là "vũ khí Phần Lan" In 1922, Finnish Rubber Works acquir...

electrical conductors
Materials such as metals are electrical conductors.Những vật liệu như kim loại là các chất dẫn điện. For example, materials can be mad...

metals are good conductors
Question 7 Why metals are good conductors of electricity?Câu 4: Giải thích vì sao kim loại là vật dẫn điện tốt? Metals are good conduc...

finnish americans
Swedes, Swedish Britons, Swedish Canadians, Swedish Australians, Scandinavian Americans, Finnish Americans, Danish Americans, Norwegian...

finnish animation
Last month, the company bought Finnish animation studio Kombo, which will start working on short films using the Angry Birds characters...

finnish composers
To get around this, Finnish taxi drivers must pay about 14 euros a year to the Finnish Composers Copyright Society.Để tránh điều này, c...

finnish cuisine
The history of Finnish cuisine is still quite young.Tuổi đời bánh củ mài ngũ cốc vẫn còn khá non trẻ. I’ve never even thought of Finni...

finnish culture
Finnish culture values intrinsic motivation and the pursuit of personal interest.Văn hóa Phần Lan đánh giá cao động lực nội tại và mưu ...

finnish cup
Litmanen won the Finnish Cup with MyPa before moving abroad in the summer of 1992.Litmanen đoạt Cúp Phần Lan với MyPa trước khi chuyển ...

finnish educators
Since the 1980s, Finnish educators have focused on making the following basics a priority:Từ những năm 1980, các nhà giáo dục Phần Lan ...

finnish games
The Finnish games company has warned that its brand licensing revenues could decline 40% this year.Công ty trò chơi Phần Lan đã cảnh bá...

finnish hound
History The Finnish Hound was a result of a breeding programme in the 1800s, which involved French, German and Swedish hounds.Chó săn n...

finnish language
Ateria in Finnish language has no other meaning.Quả Nhĩ Lạc trong tiếng Phạn còn có ý nghĩa khác nữa. In 1841 the Finnish language bec...

finnish literature
One product of this era was the Kalevala, one of the most significant works of Finnish literature.Một sản phẩm của thời đại này là Kale...

finnish men
For the study, Virtanen and his colleagues collected data on more than 2,400 Finnish men and followed them for 22 years on average.Virt...

finnish models
VFIS is considered to be the best Finnish school in all Finnish models abroad; this is also the first school in the country to be accre...

finnish people
What do you think about Finland and Finnish people?Bạn nghĩ gì về đất nước Latvia và con người Latvian? Finnish people read it and lau...

finnish politicians
Finland also says it has faced Moscow’s use of pro-Russian activists, propaganda and political pressure on Finnish politicians since th...

finnish scientists
Finnish scientists warned just a peck, or a smooch, can spread harmful bacteria from parent to baby.Các nhà khoa học Phần Lan cảnh báo ...

finnish sculptors
In the sculpture hall are works by the Finnish sculptors V. Vallgren, W. Aaltonen, W. Runeberg, and S. Hildén.Trong hội trường điêu khắ...

finnish society
The welfare of Finnish society is built on education, culture and knowledge.Phúc lợi xã hội được xây dựng trên giáo dục, văn hóa và tri...

finnish spitz
Patience is highly essential in training the Finnish Spitz.Việc huấn luyện tính kiên nhẫn cho Finnish Spizt sớm rất quan trọng. The Fi...

finnish sportspeople
The most popular event is in the evening: the President holds a ball for the important people (e.g. MPs, diplomats, and merited Finnish...

finnish war
1808–1809: Russia conquers Finland from Sweden in the Finnish War.1808-1809: Nga xâm lực Phần Lan từ Thụy Điển trong Chiến tranh Phần L...